Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste time... It tells us to tell
each other right now that we love each other.
Leo Buscaglia
Software Calendars
7000 & 3000 Years Calendar
-- 3000 Years Calendar allows to look through Julian, Gregorian, Hebrew and Islamic calendars. The program show conformity between calendars and some additional information.
AceProject - calendar, event planning, meeting planner and scheduler
-- Websystems Inc. is proud to introduce the AceProject - a total web-based event management software and meeting management solution designed to improve the productivity of your organization by getting projects done more quickly and intelligently.
Acidude Wallpaper Calendar v3
-- A dynamic calendar on your desktop which is ALWAYS visible. Just triple-click on dates on your desktop wallpaper image and you can enter your own notes for each date. (Much too many nice features to list in here)
-- Great and easy biorhythms. The program will help you to be always sure what to expect in any day of your life in order to succeed at all tasks: exams, job interview, negotiations or dating. Use this chance to be a winner of the situation.
Loads of featu
-- Advanced Group Calendaring for Microsoft Exchange & Outlook
AllNetic Working Time Tracker
-- Tracks how much time you spend on different projects and tasks. Thanks to precise time tracking and accounting you can quickly and precisely calculate time spent on different tasks. You can bill your clients on time based on real reports. You can plan you
AltCal, a long term calendar.
-- A free Excel spreadsheet to build your own calendars from 4712 BC to 1...... AD ! A completely new version of previously knowed "ana-chroniques, le calendrier permanent".
ASP Calendar
-- ASP Calendar provided by Educe Software. Traditional month view, month events only view or 12 month events only view. Click the date to add an event. Click the event to view detailed information or to edit the event. Password protection. Remote admin
Availability Calendars for you web site
-- Instantly updateable hourly, daily, or weekly availability calendars for your website. Create an instant calendar NOW using our wizard or buy Perl cgi scripts to create multiple calendars.
Aztec Calendar
-- What day is it today, according to the Aztec Calendar? How does it work, how is it used? Calculator tells the Aztec date of any given day.
Calendar Converter
-- Convert dates in a variety of calendars, both civil and computer-related. All calculations are done in JavaScript executed in your own browser. (Free to download..)
Calendar Internet The Web Calendar
-- Institutional calendar for Internet or Intranets. License Calendar Internet to run on your organization's server or have Aufrance Associates host your calendar.
Calendar Magic
-- an easy-to-use freeware Windows 95/98/Me/XP based program that is entertaining, informative, educational, and of equal applicability in the home and in the office. Possible accuracy questions?
Calendar Maven
-- Complete information on HEBREW CALENDAR software products.
Calendar Mine
-- A theme based, multi-cultural desktop calendar for your PC. Calendar Mine can display the holidays and events of many different calendars such as: Canada, U.S.A., Mexico, Christian, Buddhist, Islamic, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindu, and Persian.
calendar software
-- Use your own digital images to create customized calendars online or download our sorftware.
Order your print calendars online using our state-of-the art digital printers.
Calendar Updates
-- Free Holiday and Sport Team schedules for your Microsoft Outlook calendar.
Calendar Wizard
-- Calendar Wizard tool is used for creation of custom calendars. The created calendars can be as complex as you want to. Lets you to: create multi-lingual calendars for month or year; make the months alignment variable; choose type of a month's representati
Calendars for the Web
-- Create image map based html web pages with a full featured calendar creator software. Calendars use WYSIWEB technology -- What you see is on the Web.
Calling Calendar
-- Calling Calendar(tm) is a program that calls your phone to remind you of your meetings, or when you have email that you want read to you over the phone. You can reply with your voice to the email.
Chinese Calendrics software
-- Windows software for converting to/from dates in the Chinese lunar and solar calendars.
Connect Daily Web Calendaring System
-- Connect Daily offers advanced recurrence and resource management capabilites. Connect Daily runs on Unix and Windows operating systems.
Date/Calendar Software
-- Applications and function libraries for calendrical matters (includes several items of calendrical software free to download).
-- Formal specification and Java code for date calculations.
Day-Savor Screen-A-Day-Calendars
-- Calendar for your computer. Beautiful images and text greet you each day. Add your own images, prints letter and greeting card instantly, screen saver and more...
Desktop Dozen Calendar
-- One of 12 tools in the Desktop Dozen collection for Windows. Also includes a Date Calculator, Time Calculator, and others.
directory of web-based calendar software
-- Specialized web-based business software directory. Our listings are conveniently organized by category to help you find exactly what you need.
Easy Date Converter demo program
-- EDC is Windows software for date arithmetic and conversion with dates in the Gregorian, Julian and Annus Novus calendars. The demo is functionally the same as the full version but accepts dates only in the year 2000 (and does not save configuration chang
Edward M. Reingold's Calendar Book, Papers, and Code
-- A unified, algorithmic presentation is given for the Gregorian (current civil), ISO, Julian (old civil), Islamic (Moslem), Hebrew (Jewish), Persian, Coptic, Ethiopic, Bahai, Mayan, French Revolutionary, Chinese, and Hindu calendars.
-- a total web-based project management software and task management solution designed to improve the productivity of your organization by getting projects done more quickly and intelligently.
Ghosts ShowTime
-- Displays the date and time, either in a free movable window, or enhance Windows clock in the taskbar tray. You will love the display since you can configure everything, color, font, size, alignment, a shadow effect, offsets of borders, and of course the a
HaYom Hebrew Calendar
-- HaYom(tm) is a Hebrew Calendar for the Macintosh and Microsoft Windows. This feature-packed program is fun to use and educational.
IETF Calendaring and Scheduling (calsch) Working Group
-- This working group will pursue development of standards to enable different (calendaring) products to interoperate and to work across organizational boundaries.
Info Angel Pro
-- Info Angel is a popular personal information manager (pim) that combines a notebook, a contact book, an organizer and a bookmark manager into a single interface.
You can manage your daily notes, create a database of personal and professional contacts, or
Internet Calendar Application - Fully automated
-- Public and private views, available in English, French and German, no web pages to write, user profiles and events are created using fill out forms, no need to pay a web master.
ItAnyWare - Easy web software! Automated events calendar
-- Easy web calendar software. No installation, no downloads. New technology. We host your calendar on our server, the calendar is shown on your web page. Simple to set up and use. Try it FREE!
Java Calendar Conversions
-- A Java Applet to convert interactively among many different calendar formats.
-- A Persian Calendar Program. Convert the Jalaali and Gregorian calendars into each other.
Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
-- A Windows program to calculate the phase of the moon at any given date, to search for eclipses and to convert between dates in various lunar and other calendars.
Moon Calculator
-- A program which calculates moon position, moonrise, moonset, predicts lunar visibility and much more. This program was used to create the ILDL based Islamic calendar
MultiCalendar-Calendar software and Schedule program
-- Manage Appointment / Event Calendar and Task
Print Day View, Workday View, Week View, Month View calendar and task
Edit Appointment / Event and Task
Organize resources
Schedule Appointment / Event.
Event / Task reminder
Handle shared events
my Gallery Calendar
-- Your computer screen's equivalent of a wall calendar, using your photos! Create a simple and powerful graphic calendar.
-- Astronomy shareware: Very good program showing locations of stars and planets as viewed from your backyard.$15 Canadian
Nepali Time Monitoring Tool
-- You can get Nepal Date and Time plus Nepali Calendar with this software. Its available in both standable software and Visual Basic Component.
-- OfficeClip is a complete application portal. It has a group calendar, instant messaging, workflow based time and expense reporting, conference room reservation system, sales or bug tracking system and a reminder service
OfficeTalk: Group Calendar - Shared Calendar Software
-- Our flagship product, OfficeTalk, combines group calendar - shared calendar; contact management; task & project management; and email & instant messaging into one seamlessly integrated business and/or customer relationship management solution.
PandaWave World Calendar
-- create calendars in 15 different calendrical systems from around the world. The information is displayed on a convenient graphical calendar, which also includes holidays, lunar cycles, and solar cycles.
perpetual and universal calendar : RamCal
-- RamCal is a universal calendar that converts dates to the following calendars : Gregorian, Julian, Julian with Roman style (kalends, nones, ides), French republican (as well as a simulation of the continuation of this calendar), Jewish and Muslim.
PHProjekt group calendar
-- PHProjekt is an open source groupware suite with a rich features group calendar, resource booking etc.
PlexGlobe - World Time, Calendar, Alarm, Calculator, Metric Conversion
-- PlexGlobe is a productivity toolkit for global users and businesses that includes:
- World time and calendars such as Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, Islamic
- Metric conversion
- date, calendar and zone calculator
- Currency conversion and flight
ReadyToPrint Organizer
-- Prints calendars, address books, and expense forms. 15 different calendar layouts. Schedule, address book, and expense editor,...
RedBox Organizer
-- Use this personal planner with power-packed tools for home and business use.
Rosetta Calendar, a Calendar Conversion Service
-- Scott Lee's free on-line service: convert to/from dates in Gregorian, Julian, French republican and Jewish calendars; day of week lookup.
Same Page Group Calendars
-- eStudio's group calendars gives your business web based software that makes team scheduling simple for small and medium size companies. Use the Team Event functionality to broadcast group activities and schedule facilities. Use the Member Event functional
SamLogic Calendar Components
-- SamLogic Calendar Components is a collection of powerful international calendar ActiveX components. The calendars can show public holidays and week numbers.
Shared Calendars Web Software
-- Shareware: integrate schedules through your organization. Features include email reminders, Public calendars, recurring events like holidays.
Simply Calenders 3.5
-- Create calendars to print in 70+ languages.
10 customisable styles. 1582 - 9999
Integrated Scanning & Image Editor.
Predict and add Christian, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish or Islamic Events.
Moon Phases, Daylight Saving.
Add own events.
SunRav OnScreen Calendar
-- SunRav OnScreen Calendar is a program that is always on your desktop showing the calendar for the selected months. Using this program, you will always be informed about all the holidays and occasions - both official and private.
The Ripple Factory - Holiday and Calendar software for Palm OS
-- Add US, Canadian, Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Islamic holidays to your Palm PDA. View one or more categories of holidays in a list one year at a time. Easily add one, many, all holidays to Date Book. Most religious holidays include a brief desc
Time Palette World Time and Mapping Software
-- Time Palette calculates the local time in any of 10,000 cities worldwide. In addition, the program figures the local times of sunrise/set and moonrise/set.
-- Macintosh HyperCard stack, made by Oscar van Vlijmen. Displays the time in ALL known timezones, taking DST into account. Based on Unix tz-database.
Universal Calendar Calculator
-- display and convert between 10 different calendars. Also holidays for the United States, Christian (Nicean Rule and Modern), Islamic, Jewish, and Chinese & 100 Medieval European Regional Day Name Calendars.
Verti-Cal Event Calendar
-- Verti-Cal generates web based calendars for personal or professional use. Features include email reminders, single posting of recurring events, search function. The multi-user functionality makes it ideal for communities.
Virus Calendar
-- The viruses shown can infect a system 365 days a year. But on the payload dates designated on this calendar, the viruses may do more than just infect you. While these payloads may just be a nuisance, some may severelAEJCmage your system.
Visual Day Planner
-- Multiple users can maintain individual planners to co-ordinate one another's activities in real-time.
Web Cal Plus
-- Web Cal Plus is an HTML Calendar Generation system. Simply enter your events and Web Cal Plus will generate the HTML code. Attractive multi-color calendars including 12-month year calendars, single month and daily calendars. Includes recurring events, e
-- A powerful group calendar system on the web
WebEvent: Web-based calendar application
-- WebEvent is an interactive calendar that allows you to share event information via the Web and runs on UNIX and Windows NT.
Will McKee's Chinese-Georgian Calendar Program
-- This program displays either a Georgian (standard Western) calendar with equivalent Chinese lunar dates or a Chinese lunar calendar with equivalent Georgian dates. Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP compatible. Requires that a Chinese font is installed. Sourc
WinDates Calendar Software
-- This desktop calendar tracks holidays, birthdays,
anniversaries, appointments, or any events. Download hundreds of sports, holidays and related calendars. From Rockin' Software.