Alike for those who for TO-DAY prepare, And those that after a TO-MORROW stare, A Muezzin from the Tower of Darkness cries "Fools! your Reward is neither Here nor There."
Availability Calendars for you web site
-- Instantly updateable daily availability calendars for your website. Create an instant calendar NOW using our wizard or buy Perl cgi scripts to create multiple calendars.
Chase's Calendar of Events
-- An electronic version of a very popular reference book which has been published for 42 years. Lists special days, weeks, and months; birthdays; holidays; historical events.
Daily Celebrations
-- Life is a celebration of passionate colors! Today in history and more. Motivational quotations, biographies, profiles and affirmations, A positive, new theme each day to motivate, educate, and inspire! Updated daily, feedback welcomed.
Days of the Week in Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese
-- A look at the names of the days of the week in Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese, and their origins. A tale of Buddhist monks, Jesuit priests, and Chinese nationalism.
DesktopMotivatorā¢ by DaySavor Interactive
-- Motivating Images and quotes for your desktop. Create hundreds of desktop wallpapers, Print your own Greeting Cards, Letter Stationary, Wall Calendar, To Do List and Daily Agenda. Screen saver and journal included. Great for your next meeting or presentat
Hippy Calendar
-- Important dates in hippy history, famous birthdays, and upcoming events.
timezone -More than just time
-- Check the current local timings for any city worldwide, including accurate adjustments for daylight savings time. it includes lots of time related information such as timeconvertor,Age marker, Ancient calendars,Revolution in timekeeping
Today's Calendar and Clock Page
-- Will Linden's page tells you what day it is today in many calendars. Lots of calendar links as well. Check there for what I'm missing!
What Time is it!
-- Quick and easy site that tells you the time and date in almost 100 different places. Lets you save your local timezone so it's always displayed.